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Toro Timecutter (42") SS4200 Series Zero Turn Twin Bagger; Scratch-N-Dent
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- Scratch-N-Dent Model
- This was shipped to another customer and returned to us
- Coolection bags were missing - these have been replaced
- Bagger cover has some scrapes in the plastic surface
- This Is A Bagging Unit Only
- Zero turn mower is not included
- Pick Up Lawn Clippings, Leaves, And Debris Quickly
- 8 cubic foot capacity (6.5 bushels)
- Non-powered bagger with two soft-sided bags
- Includes Required Front Weight Kit
- Compatibility:
- Fits Toro SS Series 42" TimeCutter zero turn mowers only
- DOES NOT fit any Toro Z series TimeCutter zero turn mowers
- DOES NOT fit any Toro Titan zero turn mowers

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Toro Timecutter (42") SS4200 Series Zero Turn Twin Bagger; Scratch-N-Dent

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