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How to Pick the Best Lawn Cart or Utility Trailer

How to Pick the Best Lawn Cart or Utility Trailer

A Guide to Trailers and Garden Carts

By Dale V.  |  Power Equipment Expert

Landscaping projects are no small endeavors.

The homeowners and professionals who strive to turn patches of Kentucky bluegrass and piles of lava rock into stunning outdoor scenery are the kinds of people who aren't afraid of tackling big projects.

The jobs they take on require hours of careful planning, not to mention lots of heavy lifting. Often, the lawn care projects they plan are too big for a simple pull cart or wheelbarrow.

If you’re a lawn care or outdoors aficionado, you could benefit from a utility trailer or lawn cart.

Utility Trailers vs. Lawn Carts 

Steel Dump CartLawn carts and trailers go by several names—dump carts, garden carts, utility wagons, utility trailers, and so on. No matter the name, these attachments all serve one important role: They allow you to tow heavy loads behind your lawn mower or tractor.

When there’s some confusion about what a product is called, it can be difficult to choose the best item for your needs. However, the trailer attachments that people tow behind their tractors and lawn mowers can be divided into two different styles, each used for different purposes.

Utility Trailers

Utility trailers exist to transport large items, including other vehicles like small mowers and ATVs. With the aid of a good utility trailer, landscapers, ranchers, and outdoors enthusiasts can carry the biggest pieces of equipment they have across long distances and wide-open spaces and be ready to work.

Special Features
Utility trailers have several features that make them ideal for heavy-duty lifting:

Construction and Size
Because of the weight of the loads they carry, utility trailers almost always are made with a solid steel construction. The size of a utility trailer is measured using two criteria:

Vehicles That Can Tow Them
Utility trailers are the powerhouses of tow-behind trailer attachments. Thanks to their sturdy axles and durable construction, they’re made to cover rugged terrain (and in some cases are rated for highway and road use, too). As such, they’re meant to be towed behind only the most robust vehicles:

Always check your vehicle’s weight limit before using it to tow a trailer! A mower’s product manual is an excellent place to find information about how much weight you can safely pull behind it.

In some cases, a utility trailer is bigger and heavier than what homeowners need for light lawn and garden work. Instead, when people think about attaching a garden cart or yard cart to their small riding mower, what they often envision is a dump cart.

Dump Carts

Dump carts are the most common choice for lawn and garden chores. Their small sizes and light weights make them well suited for trips around a backyard vegetable garden or across a fresh green lawn. Like utility trailers, they can be attached to mowers and small vehicles. Unlike utility trailers, which carry their cargo on flat beds, dump carts have tubs that utilize a solid wall construction and can be tipped to deposit soil, gravel, and other loads of material onto the ground.

Special Features
Dump carts employ several types of lifts, which is the mechanism that raises and tips the tub:

When people discuss the material a dump cart is made of, the part they refer to is the tub, which actually holds the load. That includes soil that can stain and corrode the tub’s basin, rocks that can bang against the sides, and branches that can poke through the corners.

Lawn cart tubs are frequently built using two types of material:

Additionally, just like the size of utility trailers, the size of a garden dump cart can be defined using two criteria:

Vehicles That Can Tow Them
One advantage of a dump cart’s light weight is its ability to be towed behind the smaller, lighter mowers that many homeowners drive to keep their lawns in shape:

In fact, small dump carts and garden wagons are the only kinds of carts that can be towed behind zero turn mowers and riding mowers.

You might have noticed that some garden dump carts are listed as ATV carts. These are dump carts specifically designed to be used off-road with ATVs or utility task/utility terrain vehicles (UTVs), thanks to certain features:

No matter what type of dump cart you choose, the same warning applies here as with utility trailers: Check your mower’s weight limit before using it to tow a garden cart!

Big Dreams, Big Carrying Capacity

You might be a homeowner with a small garden or medium-sized yard. Alternatively, you might be a lawn care or outdoors professional with hundreds of acres of land under your care.

If you're a homeowner, you might find that landscaping rocks are too heavy to move with a simple wheelbarrow, or that unloading all the plants and soil you want to put in your garden would take too many trips across your lawn.

If you're a professional landscaper, you might need something to help you move your mowers, tillers, and other large pieces of equipment to multiple job sites so that you can grow your business. 

No matter how large the plot of land you care for, chances are that you have big plans for it. Whether your plans call for a utility trailer or a lawn cart, towing an attachment behind your vehicle will allow you to transport the equipment you need to realize those plans, often in one convenient trip.

In other words, there’s no landscaping dream too big when you have a lawn cart or utility trailer to help you with it.

NEXT: Shop All Lawn Mower Carts