Introducing: LG Smart AC WiFi Adapters
Ever leave for vacation and forgot to change the thermostat?
Constantly worried about high energy costs?
Worry no more! With 'Smart AC' from LG, you'll be able to control your LG mini-split air conditioner from almost anywhere using your smartphone.
LG Smart AC
The new LG Smart AC controller is a wireless adapter that provides monitoring and remote control capabilities for the LG Ductless Split Art Cool Premier Single Zone, the High-Efficiency Standard Single Zone Ductless Inverter, and the Standard Single Zone Ductless Inverter air conditioning systems. This adapter is controlled by a free smartphone app.
Remote Access
Users are able to control their indoor units at their residence or remotely from other locations (provided they have a wireless connection) through the LG Smart AC adapter. The app is compatible with Android and iOS (Apple) smartphones.
How It Works
The wireless adapter connects to the indoor unit and controls functions and features through the smartphone app.
The app displays current temperature settings and allows the user to change temperature, fan speed, and airflow direction from anywhere in the house or at a remote location (through the use of wireless connection).
Additionally, frequently used settings can be saved to a favorites list for later use. Multiple users can control the household indoor unit remotely.
NEXT: View & Shop All LG Controls